Monday, December 9, 2019

Leadership in Business Strategy & Leadership

Question: Discuss about theLeadership in Business for Strategy Leadership. Answer: Introduction: Based on the discussion presented in this particular paper on leadership styles and performing various methods of self assessment I have come to the conclusion that I reflect a Bureaucratic leadership style. Evidently enough as the name of the leadership approach implies I strictly believe in the methodical approach that leaders are the ultimate decision makers in the organizations. This is largely because of the reason that the subordinate staffs and employees look up to the leader at all times especially whenever they are faced with challenges which have the potential of affecting the organization to great extent. As the leader of the organization I believe that the choice should always remain in own hands (Alok, 2015). This is largely due to the reason that I believe I should be the one to take the responsibility if any sort of casualty occurs rather blaming someone else for the damage. However, it does not imply that I do not seek counsel in matters of emergency and critical natu re. I am as per my self assessment analysis, very open minded when it comes to seek counsel from the experts involve in the various organizational operations for, they are the ones who would be able to provide me with the best possible alternatives in regards to coping with the situation. Despite of the alternatives which the experts and concerned designated authorities provide me I prefer to call the shots myself, which means I prefer to make the ultimate decision which would be implemented in the organization (Burns, 2008). The perceptions which I developed from the self assessment activity and discussing the results with a person who knows my nature I gathered that several of the factors that came out in the results did not match with the opinion I received from my close friend. The most significant aspect of all was the fact that mu friend declined me being a bureaucratic leader. He mentioned that in regards to many an activity which I had participated along with my friends I was always open to suggestions and seldom imposed anyone with my decisions or with dominating approach (Covey, 2011). In contrast I would always let them make the decision or let the majority decide which of the suggestion would be implemented in the concerning issue. This however totally contradicted my self assessment. This was due the fact that the results of my self assessment illustrated the fact that I always desire to be in the control of the situation I am facing and as per my analysis in regards to my career I have gathe red that I do possess a commanding stature in my organization and I simply appreciate it when the ultimate decision falls upon me to select. These comparative perspectives of mine and my friend led me to the conclusion that as a consequence of being in the middle of larger responsibility such as deciding upon the fate of the organization I am involved in. I believe that it is always better to take the responsibility of making the decision upon myself so that in case if anything goes wrong I would be the one responsible for it (Drucker, 2009). This would leave my subordinate staff from coming to any sort of dire consequences. Compared to this the decision making process in a causal activity does not involve that much of a gravity and thus according to my friend I do not feel the need to show my innate leadership quality. In addition, my friend and I belong to different career paths and therefore it is evident that self assessment result in regards to my organizational leadership styl e might seem a bit more overstated to him. The effect that my leadership style has in the workplace greatly affects the people around me. This is due to the fact that present day organizations rely heavily on equal participation of every authoritative figure belonging to the organization in regards to the decision making process. This is further dependent on the expertise that each of specialized talent each organization possess. Such specialist appreciate it when the management or the leader in this case relies on them or asks them to carry out the decision making process for the organizational operations. This approach gives the executives and employees an opportunity to develop their very own leadership skills and grow as skilled workmen (Giuliani Kurson, 2002). For instance, during a crisis an employee is given the opportunity to prove their capability in regards to making the effective decision which would resolve the predicament that the organization faces at the moment. In my case leadership greatly affects this aspec t in the organization and among my subordinate staff greatly towards a negative extent. This is due to the reason that my nature does not allow them to discover ways and seek out the solution by themselves. Instead my approach merely indulges them in seeking out better alternatives through which the decision making process can be carried out in an easier manner (Zaleznik, 2009). My approach restrains them from making the ultimate decision and thus does not offer them with the opportunity to prove their decision making capabilities and prove their mettle when it comes to carry out complex organizational activities, which in turn leaves them with quite the limited approaches through which they can develop themselves. However, my leadership style gives them an idea about the crucial impact of the decision making process and the reason why the decision making process should be carried out by the leader, and ways through which they can help the leader in making the effective decision in the first place (Kipp, 2001). This provides them with the opportunity to learn the crucial lesson regarding responsibility and as per my opinion they would develop an understanding the kind of responsibility a leader needs to take up on his or her shoulders in order to provide better prospect to the employees. Every approach has its constraints, the challenge that my leadership style imposes is that my authoritative stature in the organization might seem a bit intimidating towards my subordinate staffs. This would heavily impact my employees from relating to me in a manner which would be easy to comprehend. In addition, my approach limits the exposure of every individual in the workplace from exploring their fullest potential. This is as a result that they are not given the liberty to assume any kind of authoritative personality which would let them explore their potential in a somewhat different activity, which most certainly diminishes the satisfaction they obtain out of their employment to a great extent (Sandberg Scovell, n.d.). Most of my employees feel that they are being used as a tool to get a certain job done. They are given a set of instructions and are asked to strictly follow those. This leads to a lower rate of employee retention as most of the employees do not find them in a n environment where their mettle be tested they find the work schedule to be a monotonous routine. My approach is certainly not the best of the approaches but it saves my subordinate staff from becoming liable to any sort of catastrophic damage which might occur from a wrong decision from their end. Most of the employees might find partaking in the organizational operations which determine the future prospect of the organization as well as the future prospect of theirs to be a very challenging and appreciated activity they yearn to indulge themselves in but, when it comes to take decisive turn that would be affecting my organization I would appreciate that I stay in the command (Swearingen, 2006). References Alok, K. (2015). SÄ ttvika Leadership: An Indian Model of Positive Leadership.J Bus Ethics. Burns, J. (2008).Leadership. New York: Harper Row. Covey, S. (2011).Principle-centered leadership. New York: Summit Books. Drucker, P. (2009).The new realities. New York: Harper Row. Giuliani, R. Kurson, K. (2002).Leadership. New York: Hyperion. Kipp, M. (2001). Assessing your business innovation process.Strategy Leadership,29(4). Sandberg, S. Scovell, N.Lean in. Swearingen, J. (2006). Business leadership in national affairs.Business Horizons,19(5), 5-11. Zaleznik, A. (2009).The managerial mystique. New York: Harper Row.

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